The Southwest Figure Skating Club wishes to provide a safe environment for its members that is free of misconduct and harassment. The SWFSC will not tolerate or condone any form of harassment. The Southwest Figure Skating Club follows the U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe® Program that addresses the following types of misconduct:
All individuals, regardless of membership with U.S. Figure Skating, are encouraged to report suspected SkateSafe® violations. U.S. Figure Skating adult participants are required to report suspected child abuse and/or sexual misconduct to the U.S. Center for SafeSport and local law enforcement. There are no fees for filing a report with the U.S. Center for SafeSport or U.S. Figure Skating. The U.S. Center for SafeSport has the exclusive authority to investigate and resolve alleged SafeSport Code violations involving Sexual Misconduct.
Report allegations of sexual misconduct to the U.S. Center for SafeSport
Questions regarding U.S. Figure Skating’s SkateSafe® Program can be directed to or 719-635-5200, Option 6.
More information regarding SkateSafe® and U.S. Center for SafeSport® can be found under the IMPORTANT LINKS tab
The Southwest Figure Skating Club will follow and support the guidance from the Department of Health of Minnesota & local government agencies. We as a club, encourage safe distancing, masking, and hygiene. We also follow the policies and procedures set forth by the Red Baron Arena & Expo. Any and all changes made to our policies will be at the direction of State and local governments.
Southwest Health and Human Services